Doc is an accomplished novelist, screenwriter and film producer known for skillfully weaving characters into engaging narratives that are flawlessly paced. Recently Doc has been instrumental in the film production of the documentary "The Way Home: Journey of Family and Faith" and the horror film "Sacrament."

Originally Doc devised crime/action formations; however it wasn't long before titles in numerous other genres were composed. Doc wrote under the penname Raif Wolfe for his Subway Reaper horror series and additionally arranged children's and young adult titles under the pseudonym Xaak Doyle for the purpose of forming a distinct separation between works with much stronger and graphically powerful features intended for his mature audience.(Please visit & at your convenience)

Doc utilizes his interpersonal skills to connect with people, engage them in enlightening exchanges and etches these prosperous experiences to hone his craft, develop riveting characters and incorporate captivating back stories for his adventures. His tales have authentic flavor because in countless ways they are sculpted from these touchable individuals and compelling settings. Adaptability and perception are among Doc's many strengths.

A spot-on artist of the written masterpiece, Doc has been completing a Xaak Doyle project - "Maxwell and Lucky." With decades of writing experience, his library has grown, the stories have evolved and the future has never been brighter.
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R. Doc Wilcox - A.K.A. Raif Wolfe & Xaak Doyle

©2016 Xaak Studios
©2016 SyKoCinematic Indie Film Division
©2016 R.Doc Wilcox, Raif Wolfe, Xaak Doyle
Where Imagination Meets The Page
And Your Dreams Become Reality